
Monday, February 2, 2009

I almost forgot

I almost forgot that I am a blogger!
My time in the country with dial up got me out of the groove. No picture today, instead here is a new layout I completed.
I believe it is very important for scrapbookers to include photos (of themselves), prospective, feelings good and bad from their point of view.
The people who are making scrapbooks need to be in them just like the rest of the family. The pages we make for the most part will be left for family members and they DO want to know about you. I did not include a full body photo but this is a recent picture of me, in my father-in-laws garage helping with Christmas lights, I may not like everything about my physical self but there are many traits I do enjoy. If you are a scrapbooker take this challenge and create a layout about yourself and include a few things that you love about You.
Soapbox time is now over.



Anonymous said...

great layout Joy! I love that shot of you. Shows your mischief.

Barbara said...

Here here! Well said.